Looking at the FS MOM and the kids I knew they were WELFARE FOOD STAMP. You want to know why because they were FAT, not really just FAT but grossly FAT as in obese fat. Dripping layers of fat and smelly with their rolls of Fat and sweat! I do not care if a person wants to let their health and body decline into the wasteland of FAT but do America a FAVOR, try (I know it is impossible since you do not pay for anything) to at least help your children not to become obese adults!
Michelle Obama (as much as I hate to omit it) is making the public aware of FAT OBESE kids!
ABC News has reported on this. So have many other blogs and sites BUT where is the connection to fat obese kids and Food Stamps. It is there you just have to open your eyes and see the FAT people all around you!
Do the poor Food Stamp recipients (strains of sad violin music playing) really need to be able to by JUNK FOOD??
Food Stamps need to be regulated as well as sooooooo many other FREEBIES that our government just gives to people. Now some will whine and say "That's not fair," but where is the fair when I work hard for what little money I make and have to pinch pennies to feed my children while Miss (usually not married) Welfare Mom with at least three kids sits on her FAT ass all day with free housing, free utilities, free medical and free FOOD!
I suppose it would not bother me so much but I do feel that no one should be hungry BUT the point is: There needs to be a regulation as to the kind of food that a person can get with food Stamps.
What I mean is this: Food Stamps are suppose to be used for buying FOOD not JUNK FOOD!
Stop letting Food Stamps be used for buying Energy Drinks, chips, candy, ice cream, sodas, and all manner of FATTENING JUNK FOOD!
Don't know WTF this is but IT is really FAT!!
HELLO, what is wrong with that! If Michelle Obama wants to end obesity in children then she needs to look at HOW many of the fat kids have FOODS STAMP MOMS !!
This summer I have been working part-time at a little local convenience store. Now, the prices are way higher than in a regular grocery store hence the word "convenience", you can run in and pick up one or two items then be out the door without having to wait in a long line.
I tried to keep an account of the EBT or as commonly know FOOD STAMP purchases but soon lost track. (way too many) BUT what I did note was the junk food that food stamp people were buying.
They always buy candy, chips, ice cream and WAY WAY OVERPRICED junk food, usually 25+ dollars worth!!
They whip out that EBT/Food stamp card and are usually quite rude yelling "EBT" as if I am suppose to bow down and kiss their dirty smelly feet.
YES, these people are often dirty, stink and I know why! Because they cannot buy soap and deodorant with Food Stamps!!
Can't buy deodorant with Food stamps henceforth, NONE!!!
Now here is the kicker, after their glorious EBT/FOOD STAMP purchase they then count out freaking pennies to buy beer and cigarettes! The junk food they just bought is supper for the kids while they can have a liquid (beer) supper.
This really pisses me off!!
Now as I was standing in line the OTHER day to buy my groceries. A man was in front of me. He was nicely dressed and had several bags of dog food he placed on the check out belt. Then the check out person told him he could not use EBT/FOOD STAMPS to buy dog food. He knew this but thought he could get by with it. The reason is that many small Mom and Pop stores will do this as there is NO WAY to account for it! He then said "Wait a minute," left and came back with STEAKS!!!
He then flipped the steaks (my mouth was salivating at the sight of those beautiful porterhouses) and said "My dog likes steaks."
FOOD STAMPS should only be used at reputable REAL grocery stores, like Kroger, Food Lion, Bilo where the FOOD STAMP person has to SHOW their ID and they cannot buy anything EXCEPT real food!
I got so pissed off just thinking that I am PAYING FOR YOUR FREAKING FOOD and you buy STEAKS FOR YOUR DOG while I can't even afford to buy hamburger let alone STEAKS!!
What is wrong with the picture here? Does anyone know? Why are we struggling to buy food and at the same time buying DOG FOOD for others? Why we feeding Obese Welfare mother and her FAT KIDS tons of junk food while we are struggling to feed our-self and our kids good food all the while counting our pennies to buy ONLY FOOD !!!
I am sick of this as so are many others in the U.S. but what can we do?
Yeah, yeah, email every government official, blah, blah, and they will do NOTHING because once again we have people in offices that DO NOT CARE about the average American trying to make ends meet! Hey, they have their own issues, such as who they can do the "bump uglies" with and not get caught, how they can scam millions of dollars from LEGAL tax paying citizens and how much of a pay raise to give themselves with worrying about all the pitiful illegal IMMIGRANTS!
Must be hard to be in public office, I really would like to give it a try but I don't have the "donations" from drug cartels, lobbyist, and big companies to get elected.
Well, back to the FAT KIDs, they just grow up to be FAT WELFARE FOOD STAMP people like their parent or if lucky parents.. They know the system and how to use it.
Ever wonder why these welfare/food stamp people have money to buy their designer clothes, have their FAKE nails done, drive Cadillac SUV's?
WEELLLLL, let me tell you they SELL THEIR FOOD STAMPS!!
Yep, the going rate is we pay them half of what the VALUE of the Food Stamps are and they give us their card AND their PIN number and we can go grocery shopping! Hey sounds good but some where in that picture we would be payingdouble for our food! WE PAY FOR THEIR FREE FOOD STAMPS to start with and then to pay welfare/food stamp people half of the value, well, I am not good at math but actually I think we would be paying 1 3/4 times amount for the food.
Well, it is a known fact that FAT people have more health issues and problems than any other people in America. The fat kids are always sicker in schools as they catch colds (FAT people do not breath very well because of the FAT straining their lungs) and FAT kids cannot play well at sports!
FAT ADULTS have more heart problems, more upper respiratory problems, and mos\re are diabetic becasue of all the freaking FAT they carry around.
Airlines took notice of FATTIES and started charging them for TWO seats! Liberal bleeding hearts whannnn and whaannn about this but the arilines stood firm!
Way to go airlines, charge the fat fuckers for their heavy asses setting on the planes!! And their fat fucking suitcases also!
Do you really want to sit on a plane for 7+ hours beside of THIS FAT FUCK???
Did you know that FATTIES are one reason insurance premiums are so high,it is because of all the FAT FUCKS getting sick and weighting ( a little pun there) the insurance companies down with all their fat (another puns) claims. FATTIES get sick a lot!
So the next time you are standing in line to buy your groceries and you have an inclination to "feel sorry" for welfare mom with her poor children think about how much those fat fucks cost YOU!!!!
You, AMERICANS, who try to earn a decent living, work hard, take care of your ENGLISH speaking families, pay TAXES, and basically work your freaking ass off ARE PAYING FOR ALL THE FAT FOOD STAMP people to eat and for their medical bills as well. Not to mention Jose and Maria that can't even "speeka de Englash" but know enough English to APPLY for food stamps!
What is wrong here in the United States of America, well the last time I looked it was but now it might be the United States of Mexico. You could not tell by reading these signs!
Ahhh, life is good, good, good when someone else pays your bills, feeds you, takes care of your children and you can go and buy drugs and booze!!
The sad part is they WELFARE people think and feel that WE as hard working Americans "owe" them.
Well, I do not own anybody a damn thing especially FAT WELFARE ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS, THEY OWE ME!! For the right to live in and destroy my country as they are doing!
MY GOD !!! Check this out there is disease called FAT MEXICAN DISEASE !!
Last of all the only Spanish word that seems to be something I might use is "PISO" as in Jose, you are pissoing me OFF!!
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Please post any thoughts, links about anything that just pisses you off in America. You can cuss, curse all you want but please no sexual content. It is not about freaking sex but about how we are sick and tired of our country being the 911 number for the world and we are the ones footing the freaking money to do so!!